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Monday, May 26, 2008

Que Sera Sera

I like the song,'Que Sera Sera'What will be, will be.......

But I really don't agree with the song that we cannot foresee our future because what will be, will be.Of course we cannot foresee our future.Only God knows.However, our present endeavours can shape our future.What we are in the future is the result of our actions now and in the past.Only after working and praying very hard, can we be satisfied that what will be, will be.

One thing for certain,the current state of the Earth is the culmination of years of exploitation and environmental disrespect by its inhabitants.Mother Earth is nearing the end of the line, unless someone finds the solution to global warming and ecological imbalances.Oil prices which are climbing steadily up,is leading the world to economic disasters.

Can our government shield us from the effects of global oil prices and high food prices indefinitely? Right now, although the panic button has not been struck, I AM WORRIED that our national reserves will be depleted if it is not properly managed.The people need subsidies.Can the government afford it?The Economists must do something.It is definitely not Que Sera Sera!


ummahzy said...

a salaamu aleikum
(I popped over from Flight of the Swans)
When I was a child (in the 70s) I couldn't fathom being alive in the year 2000. We used to hear air raid drill sounds, although I'm not sure why, and I always heard "scary stories" on the news. My impression was that the most powerful nations would blow each other up. As I neared adulthood, I figured the end of the world might not be so near. When I started to learn more about the environment I had visions of doomsday again. I've got five children and it's sad that they'd inherit such a mess. Fortunately I've developed a bit of optimism recently. A video about a project in dubai brought a smile to my face. Then an episode of Discovery channel's "Planet Green" also made me wake up and think about the power that every person has to make a difference, from the housewife to the college student to the retiree.

Azizah said...

Thanks for your comments.You must have lived away from Malaysia to hear air raid drills. Fortunately, in Malaysia, I have not heard such drills.Right now, we are so connected that whatever happens in the far corners of the earth will be felt immediately miles away.Our world is indeed becoming a borderless global village.The developed nations have destroyed their environmental heritage and now want to impose on us in the developing countries to save their lifestyles.We are advised on how not to exploit our resources so as to reduce the destruction on Mother Earth.But people in the developing countries are more concerned on how to feed their hungry children to care for the environment.Anyway,plundering of the natural resources only comes about when Man have access to powerful equipment and machines.The small guy in the forest has been living for generations and the forest is still intact.We must find a balance.