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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Technology & Global Warming

I attended a talk on Technology and Global Warning on Saturday at the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

It was interesting to note that as at 2004, the greatest contributors to Greenhouse Gases (65%) were the developed countries.USA is the largest culprit with 22% and China, a developing country, is fast catching up with 17%. Japan contributes 5%.

The talk discussed the causes and effects of global warming on all industrial sectors and what engineers can do to mitigate the problem and design projects to create a more sustainable Earth. It seems that the Architect Association of Malaysia, (PAM) has come up with guidelines to the construction of Intelligent or Green Buildings. Green projects are capital intensive and what is lacking are government incentives in terms of tax breaks to encourage green buildings and green projects. However, it is understood that the government is quite sensitive to global warming issues as green projects costs can be offset by lesser health costs and lesser wastage of resources.

On a personal note, I was pleased to make a new friend before the talk started. I met Stephanie, a young Civil Engineer who practices recycling and has, in her own words," brainwash my family to do it too". She was the second person I met in a week who practices worm composting at home. I forgot that I had meet Dr Suhaimi of Mardi who also was into worm composting, when I told her she was the first person that I have met who recycles everything. Kudos to Stephanie!

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